Change Maker

In a world full of constant change – the only thing over which we can have direct control, is who we are and what we do.

In a world full of constant change – the only thing over which we can have direct control, is who we are and what we do to make positive change in the world. 

Heather has an honest desire to make positive change and be a leader who is seen, heard and talked about for the right reasons. She believes we can all contribute to creating a fairer world and it’s about embracing our inner strength, the courage within ourselves alongside celebrating the courage of others.

Embracing courage has meant leading groundbreaking conversations and advocacy to dismantle barriers for women in sport as players, coaches and leaders. Conversations and advocacy to improve policies in the areas of paid maternity leave and minimum pay, providing the platform for the development of contemporary fit for purpose policies across other Australian professional sporting codes.

In 2021 Heather contributed to the rescue of seven Olympic athletes fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan and their safe arrival in Australia and through sport continues to support refugee families seeking asylum.

Heather is open to invitations to partner with organisations and support campaigns that demonstrate their commitment to making a difference beyond what happens on the pitch, court and field of play.

It’s important to remember that advocacy can take various forms, and every action, no matter how small, can contribute to a collective movement for positive change.
— Heather Garriock
— Heather Garriock